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Introducing Weedle Deeds. Weedle Deeds is the product of an idea for publicly funded progressive news. Weedle Deeds is NOT corporately...

Hillary Victory Fund / DNC Scam to Skirt Federal Campaign Finance Law Proven:
In a series of very serious accusations, Bernie Sanders has picked a fight with the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign. In...

AZ Taxpayers Footing a Heavy Bill for Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Federal Racial Profiling Case
I t's been nearly three years since a federal judge ordered changes inside the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office in a ruling on a case...

And the Award for Most Detested Governor in the Nation Goes to...
You would think that maybe the dubious distinction of Most Hated Governor would go to the guy that allowed an entire city in his state to...

The Eternal Bern...
It seems that everywhere you turn these days, you see a political pundit or an online neo-liberal entity or a Washington Post journalist...

DNC Establishment Gives "Hosting" Job of Convention to MSNBC's owners, Com-Cast:
Over the past several months many in the Progressive movement energized by Bernie Sanders have been scratching their collective heads...

MSNBC Spends More Time Covering Trump and Nebraska Dem Primary where ZERO Delegates are Awarded than
Another double digit Victory for Bernie Sanders, another night of watching Rachel Maddow and Steve Kornacki all but SCREAMING at their...

Bernie Black-Out continues as 31,000 Plus crowd packs California Stadium BEYOND Capacity:
According to the DNC Elites and the pundits in Main Stream Media, Bernie Sanders is a hopeless cause and needs to just go away. But when...

The Rebellion of the Progressive Base against the Democratic Party
I remember when I was much younger my grandfather telling me about a man named Franklin Delano Roosevelt and about how this 32nd...

The 2016 Election Reality of Rigged Primaries and Purchased Super Delegates
On May 2nd, Bernie Sanders pulled off a surprise victory in Indiana. The 6-point victory came at a great time, giving renewed momentum to...