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The Eternal Bern...

It seems that everywhere you turn these days, you see a political pundit or an online neo-liberal entity or a Washington Post journalist yelling at Bernie Sanders to get out of the race. Usually they are waving their arms and pointing at super-delegates ( which they also INSIST on counting in order to mislead the public ) or expounding on how Bernie might hurt Hillary in a general election. It seems a never-ending quest on the part of the DNC Elites and the corporatist establishment to kill "The Bern".

But try as they might, they can't.... and this has them worried...

Nothing seems to work. Not favored political pundits. Not bought-and-paid-for Super Delegates. Not even the $600 hair-do with the ever-flip-flopping platform policies and the crocodile "Trust Me" smile. Nothing seems to be stamping out these People or the candidate they support.

And why would it? The party elites, the corporatists and banksters, the establishment media, they are playing from a set of rules that Bernie and his troops refuse to follow. They do not understand that when Bernie Sanders talks about change, he means Change. Bernie isn't talking about some election year ploy in order to hood-wink the American People out of some votes. Bernie Sanders wants to overhaul the way our government works as well as our democratic system. And the Powers-that-Be don't understand it and fear it, and as Yoda once said, " ...fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate...". We are seeing a steady growth of that fear and anger now on the part of the DNC establishment and their allies. If Sec. Clinton is appointed the nomination and then loses the general election, we will see that anger turn to hate as the DNC Elites and their Main Stream Media allies pivot the blame and aim it not at a heavily flawed Hillary Clinton (which months of consistent polling has told them was the weaker candidate) but directly at Bernie Sanders and his supporters. You can see the ground-work for these tactics being laid down now from pundits like MSNBC's Chris Mathews and the Clinton campaign online puppet Blue Nation Revue.

And in response to all of this there is a question that comes to mind; Is the DNC establishment so fearful of the actual change and the end of a rigged electoral system that they would rather run the risk of losing with Hillary in order to stamp-out the political revolution Sanders has called for? Would the Party Elites, the Corporatists, the Banksters rather have a Trump presidency than face a leveled playing field and the end of corporate funding of elections?

Bernie Sanders has ignited a flame in the American political landscape. It's a fire that refuses to be stamped out, drowned out, or snuffed out. Bernie has said himself that the main goals of his candidacy are to:

A. Win the democratic nomination for President of the United States and to win the general election in November.

And B. To bring about massive change in income-inequality, campaign finance law, public education, and health-care, as well as to enact policies to insure the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, and address global climate change.

To date Bernie has won 18 state primaries and caucuses and over 9 million votes, and it scares the living hell out of the Powers-that-Be. What can they do to end this growing wild-fire that threatens their cushy closed-door deals, their power bases, and their revolving door into the world of lobbying and $220,000 "speaking fees" ? How can they strangle this movement, they've always managed to do it before? The answer is that they can't. To many have woken up. To many have seen how corrupt the system is and how far those who hold the power will go to defend their death-grip on the throat of true democracy.

No matter the outcome of this primary season, no matter if Bernie Sanders wins the nomination or if Sec. Clinton is appointed the nomination in some back-room super-delegate deal, no matter if we end up with a President Trump for the next four years, the political revolution that Bernie Sanders has lit will... not... be.... extinguished!

It may be just beginning, but that flame is here, and it will change this nation for the betterment of ALL of it's people. It's a flame that refuses to go out and will light a path for tens of millions of Americans out of destitution, out of wage-slavery, and out of debt-slavery. It lights the way to a living wage, healthcare as a basic human right, and a healthy world we can leave the generations that follow.

And it will NOT be put out...

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