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DNC Convention on Lock-Down?

Establishment officials were put on notice that Nevada Democrats that support the Senator Bernie Sanders were justified in their anger over an establishment agenda rail-roaded through the state convention and the out-right theft of Nevada's "at-large" delegates by Party allies of the Clinton campaign. In a recent statement on the Nevada state convention, Bernie Sanders was defiant, saying that the Democratic Party "has a choice: It can open its doors and welcome into the party" his supporters or "maintain its status quo." The statement continued, "At (the Nevada) convention, the Democratic leadership used its power to prevent a fair and transparent process from taking place,". Bernie has made it no secret that he plans an aggressive effort to extract platform concessions on key policies that could prompt divisive battles at a moment when front-runner Hillary Clinton will be trying to solidify her control of the party. Among other issues, Bernie plans to push for a $15 national minimum wage and argue that the party needs a more balanced position regarding Israel and Palestinians, this is according to a Sanders campaign aide who requested to speak anonymously.

DNC Party leaders are fearing that the protests by supporters of Bernie Sanders at the State Democratic Party convention in Las Vegas is a harbinger of an impending meltdown and extremely contentious floor fight in Philadelphia. Party Elites seem to be taking a queue from the Clinton campaign and playing the professional victim card to justify attempts to stifle protests or floor motions at the national convention. "They [the DNC] are using reports of violence and 'chair-throwing' in Las Vegas as an excuse to tighten the floor rules and increase security at the convention later this summer." according to one convention coordinator.

While Republican National Convention organizers in Cleveland have been putting out bids for riot gear, their DNC counterparts in Philly remain pretty quiet on security details. Democratic National Convention organizers gave an update in early March for the national convention slated for July 25 to 28 in Philadelphia, and said that they intend to be "over-prepared", but stopped short of offering specifics. "Everyone's predicting trouble in Cleveland, and there may be trouble because of the political situation, but you prepare for everything," said former Gov. Ed Rendell, the convention host committee chair.

It is known that Philadelphia has applied for a $50 million federal security grant, according to city spokesman Mike Dunn. Dunn, who continued in saying that the money would go toward " staffing and equipment".

"Given that the expenditures involve security, we cannot be more descriptive than that," Dunn explained to reporters. "We can say that Philadelphia's needs are different than Cleveland's. We have a far larger police force and regularly handle major events, including, most recently, the papal visit."

Comcast Corp. executive David L. Cohen, a special adviser to the host committee, said 90% of what the DNC is preparing for will, it is hoped, not come to pass. Cohen should know, having played a significant role in preparing for the Republican National Convention in 2000. "A lot of the planning that you are seeing in Cleveland is also happening here," Cohen said. "I think that's as far as I want to go at this point."

Speaking recently in an on-air interview, Debbie Wasserman Shultz ( DNC Chair and Hillary's 2008 campaign manager) criticized the loud protesting seen at the Nevada State Convention and remarked that such protests or floor demonstrations would "not be tolerated ". One thing is for certain, $50 million buys an awful lot of billy-clubs, zip-cuffs, and pepper-spray....

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