Hillary Disappears from Event Calendar for Ten Days Surrounding California Primary?

Those of us who have been paying attention to the event schedules of the candidates ( and apparently have no lives of our own ) have been scratching our heads the last couple of days trying to figure something out. What we have been trying to deduce is the reason for the front-runner for the Democratic nomination to pull a disappearing act for at least ten days with the uber-important, delegate heavy California primary right in the middle.
According to the Clinton Campaign's event calendar, only Hillary's surrogates are scheduled for events from June 2nd until June 12th. The California primary, the largest and most important state contest left( delegate wise ) in the 2016 primaries, is scheduled for June 7th. Hillary actually does not reappear on her campaigns event calendar after June 2nd, the event calendar ends June 12th.
This is really, really odd. No fundraisers, no speeches, not even an event planned for the night of the June 7th California primary. And I mean NO event planned in California on the night of the California primary, not even one by Hillary's surrogates. Bill Clinton and Chelsea are scheduled for an event in the state of New Jersey at Passaic County Community College, but still no sign of the former Secretary of State.
The reason why this is so strange is because surrogates and corporate-media allies of the Clinton Campaign have been touting for some time that Hillary will cross the delegate count needed to put the democratic primary "in the bag" any day now. They've been insisting ( with false math that includes Super-Delegates and designed to mislead voters ) that Bernie's coach and four will turn back into a pumpkin and the wishful-thinkers that support the Senator from Vermont need to fall in line behind Hillary. So why would their candidate pull a major Houdini right when the Clinton Campaign could get the most spin out of the message they've been broadcasting for some weeks now? What's going on? What's taking up at least 10 days worth of the democratic front-runners time? What could be so massively important that the state with the largest delegate count left doesn't even merit a visit the night of it's primary? Has Hillary figured out that in an FBI investigation it's usually the last person to be "interviewed" that ends up being the one that gets indicted?
Perhaps recent events might point to the reason why Hillary disappears from her own campaign beginning in early June. Not quite two weeks ago the FBI questioned five of Hillary's advisors at the State Department, four of which hold significant positions inside the Clinton Campaign. One of the advisors walked out of the FBI interview rather than answer questions in the investigation of Hillary's private email server while she was Secretary of State. Recently the FBI learned that the Russian Intelligence Service may have as many as 20,000 emails lifted from former Sec. Clinton's private server, the result of suspected foreign agencies hacking the server.
Also, Vice President Joe Biden has been slipping back into the picture the last several days, sparking speculation from many, including The Young Turk's Cenk Uygur, that something MAJOR is coming down the pipe with Hillary in regards to the FBI investigation. Cenk Uygur points to the Clinton Campaign's "Cleaner" Sid Blumenthal making the rounds discussing the investigation as a "security inquiry" in an effort to downplay a possible coming indictment. Sid's the guy the Clinton Campaign sends out to clean up the mess and handle political fall-out, so why is Blumenthal trying to downplay the FBI investigation if there's nothing to it? Uygur also points to the comments by Vice President Biden on his stated choice of VP as Sen. Elizabeth Warren should he have run and how Biden commented that he believes he would have made the best choice for President as further evidence that something is a-foot. Vice President Biden's appearance at a Debbie Wasserman Shultz fund-raiser and his sudden pivot from pro-Bernie comments to pro-Hillary has also raised more than a few eyebrows.
The most likely of plausible reasons for Biden appearances out of no-where is that the DNC will try to pivot to Biden at the top of the ticket in case Hillary's campaign implodes following the possible federal indictment she may face. A situation which, if it happens, would further enrage a progressive base that's already ticked-off at an apparently rigged primary season designed to nominate Hillary Clinton and ONLY Hillary Clinton... In any case, it will be interesting to find out why Hillary has decided to disappear from her own campaign after June the 2nd.