The Darkening Sky Around Hillary's FBI Investigation.

In the last nine days, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was faced with some fairly negative legal news in the on-going investigation into the Secretary's private email servers and probable security hacks by foreign governments including Russia and China. Five of Hillary's closest advisers ( four of whom have significant positions inside Hillary's 2016 presidential campaign) were interrogated by the FBI. These interrogations were voluntary, not under oath, and done in the presence of legal council which has also represented the Clinton Campaign. At least one of the advisors walked out of the FBI interrogation rather than answer questions in the on-going investigation.
The purpose of the interrogations of Clinton's former and current advisors is to help determine for federal prosecutors and investigators whether the advisors questioned should be targets of a federal prosecution, or witnesses. Put another way, the FBI needed to decide if they should charge one or more of the Clinton advisors as part of the investigation regarding whether federal law was violated, or if they will be witnesses on for the federal government if indictments are sought against other parties, which may include former Sec. Clinton.
During this same time, the federal judge overseeing a civil lawsuit with connections to some of the accusations arising in the criminal investigation ordered all five of the advisors that the FBI interrogated to give videotaped testimony in the civil lawsuit against the State Department. The stated purpose of the civil law suit is to seek evidence of an agreement between Sec. Clinton and an information technology expert named Bryan Pagliano ( who was employed by the State Department to oversee Sec. Clintons private email server ) to avoid the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requirements of storage and transparency of records.
Of further concern are reports that foreign intelligence community sources have large dumps of information hacked from Sec. Clinton's private server. The Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Intelligence Services are both rumored to hold " ...a significant amount of material lifted from Secretary Clintons server while she was head of the State Department.". The number of Mrs. Clinton's emails held by Russian intelligence services is reported to be around 20,000.
In more bad news for Hillary, the FBI discovered recently from a convicted international hacker, who calls himself Guccifer, that he knows how the Russians came to possess Mrs. Clinton's emails. "Guccifer" as the hacker has named himself, has insisted Sec. Clinton's emails were so easily hacked because the former Secretary of State had stored, received and sent them from her personal, non-secure server....
Former Sec. Clinton has recently referred to the entire FBI investigation in an interview as "Simply a security inquiry." A characterization that FBI Director James Comey took issue with in a statement to reporters, " “[I am] not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry,’” Director Comey commented. “We’re conducting an investigation. … That’s what we do.” The Clinton Campaign has tried to down-play the federal investigation while their candidate is looking at what is sure to be a contested convention in Philadelphia later this summer.
In any event, someone should probably let Secretary Clinton, her campaign, and her supporters know that usually, the last person "interviewed" in an investigation by law enforcement is usually the one that winds up indicted...